What are the Finnish Enterprise Agencies?

The Finnish Enterprise Agencies – founded in 1989 – are a nationwide network of 150 qualified business advisors and 1,500 experts. Since 1989, the Enterprise Agencies have helped to establish more than 140,000 new enterprises, and thousands more are founded every year.

Kuvituskuva: yritysmuodot

What do we do?

Our purpose is to promote entrepreneurial growth in Finland by providing professional assistance for aspiring and existing entrepreneurs – completely free of charge. Our advisory services have ISO 9001/2015 quality certifications, which means that businesses established via our expert services are very likely to be profitable and avoid collapsing in their first years of operation.

All our customers go through this expert network analysis to ensure that only realistic and profitable ideas and projects continue onwards.

How does it work?

The goal of the Enterprise Agencies is to help businesses in their early stages of growth. Our business advisors will help and support you in building a profitable business by providing professional counselling tailored to your needs.

The services we provide are personal, free of charge and strictly confidential.

Kuvituskuva: pankkiasiat

What else is there?

Download our free Entrepreneur Guide 2020 (available in several languages). This guide gives an outlook on entrepreneurship and provides help to entrepreneurs in the early stages.

The guide contains up-to-date information and legislative amendments regarding taxation, financing and licences for businesses, employers’ obligations, accounting, and pension and unemployment insurance for the self-employed.

Kuvituskuva: liiketoimintasuunnitelma

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