Everything starts with an idea – whether it’s your own or an acquired one

What kind of competence do you have that you could offer others and around which you could start planning your business? Your skills can be based on your work experience, professional competence, education or your hobbies, for example. You can also become an entrepreneur by acquiring an existing company or a part of its business.

A good idea arises from market demand (which represents the customer’s authentic needs) and for which you offer a solution. Do the preparation work with care, so that your idea of an enterprise can develop into a well-working business idea.

Watch a video How to come up with a business idea?

Business idea
Kuvituskuva: yritysideasta liikeidea

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Start with
a business plan

The business plan is used as a roadmap for your enterprise. It will help you outline the different business sections of your enterprise and indicates how you will implement them in practice. The business plan should be drawn up with care, and updated as the enterprise evolves.

You will need a business plan when applying for a start-up grant. It is an important tool even in negotiations with investors, lessors, subcontractors and and suppliers.

Drawing up a business plan
Kuvituskuva: liiketoimintasuunnitelma

Is there any idea with my idea?

Test your idea with the Ideanappi. You will receive feedback from a business advisor on which way to go.

Test your idea

How to do pricing?

Pricing is demanding, although the basics are in the end quite simple. The three Cs of pricing are costs, customers and competitors.


Is the enterprise profitable?

Calculations will clarify the profitability of your planned enterprise. They will also help you determine how much it costs to start your business.

Profitability calculations

Book a meeting
with a business advisor

The Enterprise Agencies provide you with support and counseling free of charge. Take advantage of the unbiased help from our experts immediately when thinking of becoming an entrepreneur!

Click yourself to the homepage of your nearest Enterprise Agency – sign up for an entrepreneurship info or book a personal business advisor meeting.

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