Contact information

Finnish Enterprise Agencies (Suomen Uusyrityskeskukset ry) is an organization for 34 regional and local enterprice agency, which provide free and confidental advice to all interested in entrepreneurship.

Contact your local Enterprice Agency (Uusyrityskeskus) and make an appointment for professional business advicer!


Office contact information

Suomen Uusyrityskeskukset ry
c/o Innovation Home Kamppi
Kansakoulukatu 3

Business advice contact information here.

Piia Malmberg

managing director (influence and economic policy)

044 0309 850

Anna Laaksonen

administration and invoicing

050 5771 392

Laura Liiber

external communication, events & partnerships

050 337 7347

Operator: Apix Messaging Oy (003723327487)
E-invoice address: 003710995742
ID: 003710995742

Operator: Apix Messaging Oy (003723327487)
E-invoice address: 003722529335
ID: 003722529335