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Resposibility affects all business operations and transparency is important in every industry. Also accessibility of services is a part of the company’s responsibility.
Take the initiative to sharing your responsibility principles with customers and stakeholders. When you exceed expectations in matters regarding responsibility, it becomes your competitive advantage. A genuinely responsible company evaluates and aims to constantly enhance their operations also voluntarily. Responsible solutions are not sought to fulfill regulatory requirements but for the sake of the environment and society.

Safety in entrepreneurship
Risks are a part of being an entrepreneur. Find out the potential risks associated with your business, and how you can be prepared for them.

Help your customer
Get started with marketing: intrigue, commit and charm. Customer experience is the clincher.

New boost for your enterprise
There are many ways in which you can develop and broaden your business. You can apply for various forms of support and receive guidance free of charge for the development of your business.
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with a business advisor
The Enterprise Agencies provide you with support and counseling free of charge. Take advantage of the unbiassed help from our experts immediately when thinking of becoming an entrepreneur! Click yourself to the homepage of your nearest Enterprise Agency – sign up for an entrepreneurship info or book a personal business advisor meeting.
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