What to know when setting up a business

Once the business plan and calculations are drawn up, setting up a business is not that complicated. However, there are a few things you need to look into and sort out, for example contracts, permissions, notices to authority registers as well as insurance, such as YEL.

Choosing the form of enterprise is also a part of setting up a business. The answer depends on the business plan, type of business operations, amount of entrepreneurs, need of finance and taxation.

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Kuvituskuva: yritysmuodot

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Financing a business

In the early stages of a business, money is always needed to start up operations and make initial investments. The amount of funding needed depends on your business idea and varies greatly between industries. You can work out your financing needs for starting a business by performing a financing calculation.

Loans for businesses are granted by banks and other financial institutions, such as Finnvera. As an entrepreneur, you usually invest also your own money or property in the business.  You may be granted a start-up grant to secure your livelihood in the beginning of your entrepreneurial career.

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Kuvituskuva: pankkiasiat

Familiarise yourself with the start-up guide

In the many-sided and comprehensive guide you can read about for example what your business plan should look like, how to apply for a start-up grant and how to register your enterprise.

Download the guide
Kuvituskuva: YEL

Is the YEL worth taking?

The only obligatory form of insurance that entrepreneurs must take is pension insurance for the self-employed, known as YEL. Although the name refers to a pension, it secures your life in a much broader sense.

What is YEL?
Kuvituskuva: sopimukset

License, notification or registering?

Will you need to get a business license, submit notifications or register the company based on your intended operations? Will your business operations require approval by an authority or special professional qualifications?

Industries under authorization

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