Together for
sustainable entrepreneurship
The Enterprise Agencies network consists of a big group of companies, communities as well as different operators within the business life and society, all of whom are connected by the will to help new entrepreneurs and promoting the growth of sustainable companies in Finland.
Some of the members of the Finnish Enterprise Agencies also offer special advantages for the customers of the Enterprise Agencies.
Our collaborators

From part-time to full-time?
The Enterprise Agencies assist you also when growing your business from part-time to full-time, when changing company form as well as when going through change of ownership.

Already running a business?
It doesn’t matter whether you aready have started your own business – you are still welcome at the Enterprise Agencies. We help you to make sure that your enterprise has what it takes for growth and success, also in the future.

Interested in light entrepreneurship?
Light entrepreneurship is an entrepreneur-like way to sell your own work. The services are many and comparing them is worthwhile. We will help you find the suitable one for you.
Book a meeting
with a business advisor
The Enterprise Agencies provide you with support and counselling free of charge. Take advantage of the unbiased help from our experts immediately when thinking of becoming an entrepreneur!
Click yourself to the homepage of your nearest Enterprise Agency – sign up for an entrepreneurship info or book a personal business advisor meeting.
Contact us, take part in an entrepreneurship info or book a meeting for counselling
There are 40 enterprise agencies at your service in Finland.
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