The brand and service promise of Elektroway help the company stand out
Entrepreneurial couple Viljami and Riikka Mehiläinen started a company from their own garage. In just a few years, Elektroway has emerged as a success story in the electricity and energy sector.
Viljami and Riikka plunged into full-time entrepreneurship together, which also deepened their relationship.
“We did not become entrepreneurs overnight. We weighed our options carefully.”
The couple pondered over the idea of setting up a company for three years. When Viljami worked as an electrical engineer at the Kaukopää factory in Imatra, he started doing electrical work in his spare time to earn extra income. Word of this spread quickly. He started to get more work orders and his customer base gradually increased.
Viljami and Riikka had previously lived in Spain for a few years. Viljami, who worked as a golf teacher and electrician at the time, established a business name for himself. When the couple returned to Finland, Viljami kept the Business ID and retained a dormant company.
In Imatra, Riikka worked as an occupational health nurse at Terveystalo, but in her free time, she helped her spouse with the company’s paperwork.
In January 2018, Riikka resigned from her job and began creating a brand for her husband’s company with the help of an advertising agency.
The couple branded their company as a pioneer in smart energy solutions.
“We thought about how we could stand out from the competition. We also wrote down the company’s service promise.”
The company was changed to a limited company, and the spouses became partners. Viljami resigned from the factory, and later that year the couple had already acquired employees.
In two years, the company has grown tremendously, and now it already employs ten people.
A distinquished brand
The Enterprise Agency’s Business Experts Miia Ruohio and Sven Langbein from Imatran Seudun Kehitysyhtiö Oy describe Elektroway as a model student.
“The company’s brand alone is so elegant that it stands out from other players in the industry.”
Miia and Sven praise Elektroway’s professional service.
“You get a good feeling from Elektroway even when paying a bill. It is a pleasure to notice that growth is possible even during the most challenging times. The hearts of the two brave young people are full of entrepreneurial spirit.”
As CEO and supervisor of electrical work, Viljami focuses on sales and technical roles. Riikka, on the other hand, is in charge of business development, administration and customer service.
“Viljami is a bedrock that keeps my feet on the ground, I am more of an innovator. Not everyone has to do things the same way,” says Riikka.
Sunshine from year to year
Viljami states that as the business grows, the company’s operations must also evolve. The company is currently developing comprehensive electrical and energy solutions for the customers.
“When new technology enters the market, we are at the forefront of testing it. We suggest the most suitable combination for each customer.”
Elektroway’s concept has secured a substantial market share outside South Karelia. The company installs photovoltaic systems for customers all around Finland and is aiming towards the international market.“
Photovoltaic energy is an evolving field of the future. The sun shines from year to year, and you get a steady return on your investment,” says Viljami.
Viljami and Riikka also use solar electricity themselves.
“We aim for self-sufficiency and reducing emissions.”